

Alcohol mischief

No one in this world is worth your tears for him
Truly worthy of your man for his crying
Does not make you cry for him...

It allows you to temporarily pulled out of the reality
You good to face their own inner feelings and legends of the subconscious.
Then, you will with a certain individual,
To tell the truth ..

Tell the truth ...
Day as usual got up
to go to school, doing homework, examinations, tuition, sleep
There is no time to care about their feelings
But when drunk, the time is long,
Every minute you enter the temptations
that have been hidden inner world,
Then on the inside, looking at his own heart how it works, pause.
Ironically, this should be a row of wine and worries,
But often, it leads only look directly at our own sad side.

Start distinguish between the surface of a sober life, I was drunk,
Or a bar drunk, I woke up.

We can install busy, pretending to forget, pretend not matter
You can still cry for him, for his grief, heartache to not fall asleep ...
However, these he will never see,
because he had left.

In fact,
the journey in time
Can only be "wiped short memories,"
but not "be wiped off memory"

posted by Jade at 1/24/2010 02:51:00 下午

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